What’s good about today? 

Use this day to think about something that is good in your life to feel good about.

We can get caught, trapped, obsessed about the small stuff. Foggy vision of brain and heart as we weed through the daily grind. The ever mounting to do listing stealing away mini moments of joy. 

Looking to the past of all the wishes and regrets, looking ahead to all the shoulds and coulds, missing what’s going on right in front of our eyes. The chattering of our self talk shaping and defining our experiences, our world, our place in it, and believing it to be true.

Between the cleanings and gatherings and to do list, take this moment to pause, reflect, and be right here right now.  Oh and maybe eat some chocolate. 

Look up darling. 


Mind Donut

Have a pen and paper ready for this 15 minute mind doughnut lovely one, a little breathing followed by a little writing. 

  • Find a comfy seat and some space for a few minutes of quietness. Spine long, body relaxed, eyes closed 

  • Take a couple of big cleansing in and out breaths into the belly to help you connect to you and it

  • Bring something into your mind that is good, really really good 

  • Focus on breathing from the belly and into the chest, into the heart space and imagine with each inhale you’re breathing your good thing in and on the exhale relax, and repeat for at least 10 rounds (more if it’s nice)

  • Now keeping your gaze quiet, with your pen and paper, journal these questions:

Think of 3 things today that are good 

Think of 3 things about your relationships that are good 

Think of 3 things you feel good about yourself 

Think of 3 things that you can do good for others 

Think of 3 things that would make you live good 

Be intentional, take action, See whether you can recognise and increase your goodness over this next week. There’s soooo much good stuff in you, around you, you just need to know where to look. 


Join me at the pity party